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Izvēlies kursu!
Izvēlies kursu, kas Tev pašlaik aktuāls! Mēs veidojam kursus maksimāli praktiski noderīgus, tā, lai zināšanas var pielietot praksē uzreiz, un tomēr ir arī izpratne, par teoriju!
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Izaicinājums dārzam, 'Dārzs, kas aug' 2021 norisinās slēgtā Facebook grupā. Citi vebināri šobrid tiek veidoti ZOOM vidē, ar iespēju noskatīties ierakstus sev vēlamā laikā un vietā!
Landscape design work
We will design your garden with a detailed and accurate scaled drawing that shows the location of all proposed site elements and materials plus existing features that are to remain. We will deliver to you a final to-scale landscape design plan and planting plan along with images to communicate look and feel of the plantings and hardscape.
Planting plan
Gardens are organic things. And although your garden may have good basic bone structure it will from time to time need additional planting or even a total replant. Our planting service includes the preparation of planting plans, sourcing and selection of plants and finally the setting out and planting of plants.
We prepare planting plans outlining plant varieties, numbers, spacing and plant care, followed by the sourcing and selection of plants and finally the setting out and planting of plants.